Who is Trafdata?

Trafdata was formed in November 2009 as an internet based company with the mission to provide innovative software to collect transportation data. The company was created with a different paradigm than how most data collection vendors operate. Previous business models have focused primarily on (a) manufacturing proprietary data collection hardware, (b) developing proprietary desktop PC software to interface with the hardware and (c) distributing the hardware and software to businesses, governmental agencies and universities through the mail. To get the equipment repaired, one had to go back to the vendor. When companies have attempted to use non-proprietary hardware such as laptop computers and netbooks, the process has been physically cumbersome. Furthermore, the transportation engineering and planning profession is small and only a niche market exists. Transportation professionals have had to pay high prices for what many consider outdated equipment and substandard software.

Trafdata believes a new business model can now be implemented. By replacing step (a) with a smartphone and distributing software over well-established internet networks, costs can be redirected to focus on software development and reduce consumer costs. These smartphones (and more recently tablets) are really small computers that act as excellent data collectors. Hardware can be bought at your local cell phone store or big box retailer. Software can then be downloaded at home, your place of business or even the local coffee shop. Repairs can now be provided by multiple companies accessible on the internet. Furthermore, the technology is now developed by the technology leaders in the world. Mobile computing is just starting to emerge, and transportation professionals will be able to use it in amazing ways.